In the Ukrainian lands, part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and later - the Commonwealth, with the beginning of new year 1362 was set at January 1, chronology and conducted "from Christmas." This system is found in the chronicles of the time. In the Russian Empire on January 1 as the date of the New Year celebration was established by Peter the Great and spread to most of the Ukraine (present-day Ukraine) in 1700 . In XVIII-XIX centuries, New Year's Eve in Little Russian lands called "generous evening." At this time the children went from house to house, carried a large straw doll Kalyada congratulated the hosts and also sang original New Year songs - "schedrovki" or "carols". In response, the hosts were awarded a singing children and guests gifts - baked from dough figurines of animals and birds. In this period of history of Ukraine the most important holiday of the Orthodox Russian Empire remained Orthodox Christmas. In the XIX century in the folklore of Eastern Slavs, in addition to the traditional Santa Claus, there is also the image of the Snow Maiden (Snezhevinochki) associated with the celebration of the New Year